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by Aria
2024-11-22 05:18
Forum: Lyrics and tablature
Topic: Kioku no Toshokan to present Lyrics Translations
Replies: 0
Views: 23577

Kioku no Toshokan to present Lyrics Translations

I realize no one is active on these forums anymore, but just in case someone stumbles across this on a search for more recent Maaya translations, I thought I might as well put this out there: I recently started translating Maaya's lyrics, beginning with Kioku no Toshokan and currently up to nina ...
by Aria
2018-01-21 03:09
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Anyone else look forward to Vitamin M broadcast?
Replies: 6
Views: 28292

Re: Anyone else look forward to Vitamin M broadcast?

I used to listen to the from everywhere. show in podcast form and was so sad when it stopped airing. I've definitely missed listening to her radio shows, so I think I'll try your method to tune into Vitamin M! Thanks for the info!
by Aria
2014-12-29 20:59
Forum: Maaya
Topic: New Single: Shiawase ni Tsuite Watashi ga Shitteiru Itsutsu no Houhou / Shikisai
Replies: 48
Views: 80493

RE: New Single: Shiawase ni Tsuite Watashi ga Shitteiru Itsutsu no Houhou / Shikisai

I agree, it's a really beautiful pv and I can't wait to see the whole thing!
Is it just me, or have her recent pvs really been trying to highlight her beauty? Not that I have complaints with that! :P
by Aria
2013-04-01 06:55
Forum: Maaya
Topic: お誕生日おめでとう 坂本 真綾 ちゃん 2013
Replies: 3
Views: 10633

RE: お誕生日おめでとう 坂本 真綾 ちゃん 2013

Still the last few minutes of 3/31 here where I live so...

Happy Birthday Maaya! :heart:
been listening to SSW nearly all day now...
Wishing her a wonderful year ahead!
by Aria
2013-02-20 01:02
Forum: Lyrics and tablature
Replies: 2
Views: 38424


Wow, great job getting this much down!!

I listened to the first part for a long time, and I think she's saying "yakouressha" (夜行列車) which means "night train" and I think fits with the rest of the verse. I didn't know this word myself until I searched for it just now. Thank you!
by Aria
2012-06-12 20:37
Forum: Maaya
Topic: 'More Than Words'- Yoko Kanno and Yuho Iwasato Return in 2012
Replies: 73
Views: 101793

RE: 'More Than Words'- Yoko Kanno and Yuho Iwasato Return in 2012

I didn't think More Than Words was such a hard listen when just listening to it overall...I wonder if you all meant that the lyrics and intention were hard to grasp then? Because I liked it the first time through due to more emphasis on Maaya's vocals (as opposed to how the vocals and instrumental ...
by Aria
2011-11-12 06:45
Forum: Maaya
Topic: New album 'driving in the silence' - November 2011
Replies: 148
Views: 177063

RE: New album 'driving in the silence' - November 2011

I don't know if I'm reading it wrong (I really just matched up kanji), but isn't homemade christmas composed by the same person from School Food Punishment? This may account for the "synthesizer weirdness" you seem to be experiencing? Looking at here: Personally ...
by Aria
2011-10-21 01:45
Forum: Maaya
Topic: New singles for Last Exile 2 and Tamayura - official previews out
Replies: 116
Views: 113884

RE: New singles for Last Exile 2 and Tamayura - official previews out

Okaerinasai PV out on YouTube! (Not on her channel though...)

At least I think...but it looks real to me! Would be pretty hard to fake a PV don't you think? :D
by Aria
2011-09-18 18:36
Forum: Maaya
Topic: New singles for Last Exile 2 and Tamayura - official previews out
Replies: 116
Views: 113884

RE: New singles for Last Exile 2 and Tamayura - official previews out

Now i'm just thinking that it's not something to be argued about. Let them with their popularity and just enjoy maaya, chihiro, triplane (name of some of my fave artists) as if it's exclusive for certain people like me ^^ That's a really nice way of thinking about it! Sometimes I get a bit ...
by Aria
2011-08-20 02:34
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Maaya albums available officially on iTunes US and Europe
Replies: 10
Views: 14492

RE: Maaya albums available officially on iTunes US and Europe

Thanks for the news -- this is really great!!

I've always wished for something like this and iTunes is an easier way for me to support her than by importing cds (though physical copies are of course much better.)

Going to go check the selection now and see what I don't have~ :)
by Aria
2011-08-12 18:04
Forum: Maaya
Topic: NEWS: Voice Cast Members Maaya Sakamoto, Kenichi Suzumura Marry
Replies: 25
Views: 39762

RE: NEWS: Voice Cast Members Maaya Sakamoto, Kenichi Suzumura Marry

My friend gave me the news this morning and I was so shocked that I headed straight here for the news, and it's true!!

Wow! I don't really know much about this guy as a seiyuu, but if Maaya chose him, he must be wonderful. Omedetou Maaya~!
by Aria
2011-01-06 22:27
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Maaya in the dub of 'Glee'
Replies: 7
Views: 11516

RE: Maaya in the dub of 'Glee'

Wow what a cast!!
I've always tried to steer clear of this Glee movement, but I think I'll be watching the japanese dub at least. xD
by Aria
2010-06-14 21:14
Forum: Maaya
Topic: NO FEAR/あいすること Duet
Replies: 6
Views: 9306

Thank you very much, Jerome and Dillpops!!
It makes me very happy that you enjoyed it.

Yes, I realize it needs to be faster. For some reason I keep dragging the pace...^^;; Someday I'll get it right!
by Aria
2010-06-13 22:00
Forum: Maaya
Topic: NO FEAR/あいすること Duet
Replies: 6
Views: 9306

NO FEAR/あいすること Duet

I hope I'm posting this in the right thread... :? Anyways, this is a cover that my friend and I did of NO FEAR/あいすること. I'm the one playing clarinet and my friend is playing the piano. Many many thanks to this community for the piano sheets! :D I hope you enjoy it! Our cover of NO FEAR/あいすること Btw, doe ...
by Aria
2010-05-06 23:14
Forum: Maaya
Topic: New essay collection Feb 2011 'from everywhere' - COVER
Replies: 54
Views: 51958

Hooray! More essays!

Just really wanted to say, I'm so indebted to dillpops and deltafour for undertaking the translation process of these essays. I really can't thank you enough!