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by Yuki-chan
2020-04-27 23:43
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Ten years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 29868

Re: Ten years ago

Wow, haven't checked this forum for a while and am so happy to see some old school members still going strong on the Maaya's fandom XD shame on me hasuidhasuidhiuasd Nice seeing you all so genki :D (even tho this was 10 years ago asuidgahsudiasd) Keep up, guys! You are one of the best part of my ...
by Yuki-chan
2014-02-14 19:31
Forum: Garden of Everything
Topic: Newbie Marathon
Replies: 254
Views: 672212

RE: Newbie Marathon

I guess from time to time the oldies come back for a nostalgia refreshment huiHAuihiauhI i see chobe is right here in this page XD

Man, welcome you all :D D I made so many good friends in this forum back in 2005, i hope you all have the same luck as i did :D D
by Yuki-chan
2010-01-26 12:29
Forum: Garden of Everything
Topic: Help match this song to a anime vid
Replies: 3
Views: 8971

KAI!! u! hUAhUAHUAUHA thx ;3 Saber Marionettes was the shit!! i loved Bloodyberry...or whatever was her name XDD man, i love those kinda tomboyish girls <3 i tried using Lucky star opening, which had cheerleaders(their concept is also something like that) n some parts actually went on sync wit the ...
by Yuki-chan
2010-01-25 07:58
Forum: Garden of Everything
Topic: Help match this song to a anime vid
Replies: 3
Views: 8971

Help match this song to a anime vid

Hey ppl, long time no see again HAUhAuHAU yeah, vivian is awfully active in maayas this year hUahUAhUA posted twice already YAY \o/ since most of you are into/very into animes, i was wondering if you could help me out in this one.... its a korean song, but wit a very animeish beat and i juz wanted ...
by Yuki-chan
2010-01-25 07:47
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Gravity being performed by a korean singer
Replies: 7
Views: 12972

AHuHauHAuHAUhUA blame radio broadcast n u2b convertions hUAhUAhUA not very different from what i had here ;3
by Yuki-chan
2010-01-09 22:31
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Gravity being performed by a korean singer
Replies: 7
Views: 12972

Dilly, still strong here in Maayas!! i must say im rly impressed n kinda jealous >_< i juz dun feel like maayas has a place for yuki anymore hAUhUAhUAhUA and i agree XDD Maaya's english is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better and the guy failed at his part XDD Ganbare everyone!! keep the forum alive plz ...
by Yuki-chan
2010-01-06 22:53
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Gravity being performed by a korean singer
Replies: 7
Views: 12972

Gravity being performed by a korean singer

I know i know!! wth is Yuki doing here after all these years?! well, nowadays ive been obecessed by a korean girl band (some might call them the kr ver of Morning Musume, i dun agree) anyways, one of the girls is a radio DJ n i listen to her program often n yesterday's guests sang Maaya;s gravity ...
by Yuki-chan
2009-04-24 07:28
Forum: Maaya
Topic: More major voicing roles for Maaya in 2009
Replies: 17
Views: 20292

IM SOOO excited for Maaya's Lightning...its one of the most anticipated games rite now!!! omg omg omg omg!! i love final fantasy <3
by Yuki-chan
2009-02-21 21:08
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Live 2009 Kazeyomi DVD Out Now 1st Week no.2
Replies: 136
Views: 122628

[quote="jason"][quote="Yuki-chan"]too bad it isnt the Osaka live....
OH WELL!! better than nothing HAuHAUhUAuAh[/quote]
I thought the Tokyo one had a better concert hall and playlist? ^^;[/quote]

but i went to the Osaka one HAuAHuHAuHau
by Yuki-chan
2009-02-20 17:04
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Live 2009 Kazeyomi DVD Out Now 1st Week no.2
Replies: 136
Views: 122628

too bad it isnt the Osaka live....
OH WELL!! better than nothing HAuHAUhUAuAh
by Yuki-chan
2009-02-18 15:25
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Maaya's Osaka live
Replies: 65
Views: 68412

hmm....about the adress, as long i am in japan, i dun mind ordering stuff n resending to u ppl.....tho im a lil slow to do stuff HAuHAuHAuhAUh just dun abuse!! ;3
by Yuki-chan
2009-02-08 16:53
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Maaya's Osaka live
Replies: 65
Views: 68412

[quote="Megumi"]I'll come again in July with friends to Tokyo but I would like to go to Osaka because I love this city ! It's near...
So I'll remember to pm you ;) [/quote]

wth!! r u rich meg?! or by any chance, r u here in japan now?! O_o
by Yuki-chan
2009-02-07 14:51
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Maaya's Osaka live
Replies: 65
Views: 68412

[quote="Megumi"][quote="Yuki-chan"]2 years now....this year i graduate from the profissional training school or whatever its called n thinking what i am going to do for the future...finish university here, go back to brasil, go to another country.... n r u going to stalk me?! HauHauhAuhUAhu im ...
by Yuki-chan
2009-02-03 23:00
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Maaya's Osaka live
Replies: 65
Views: 68412

omg!! why didnt she sing Yubiwa on Osaka live?! T_T
n her Tokyo outfit looked better too HAuhauHauhAUhUAhUA i mean, i dun remember what she was wearing while playing No Fear DD8

newayz, still love u <3
by Yuki-chan
2009-01-28 07:00
Forum: Maaya
Topic: Maaya's Osaka live
Replies: 65
Views: 68412

2 years now....this year i graduate from the profissional training school or whatever its called n thinking what i am going to do for the future...finish university here, go back to brasil, go to another country....

n r u going to stalk me?! HauHauhAuhUAhu im living in Osaka right now =D