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Translations please

Posted: 2004-04-06 08:08
by Merri
Ok, the time to do some translations:

Code: Select all

// lang_news.php

$lang['Module_name'] = 'News';
$lang['No_access'] = 'You have no access to view news';
$lang['News_written_by'] = 'Written by';
$lang['News_translate'] = 'Translate this';
$lang['News_write'] = 'Write news';
$lang['News_no_translation'] = 'No translation available';
$lang['News_no_news'] = 'No news available';
$lang['News_delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['News_edit'] = 'Edit';
This is no big job. Though overall there will be a lot to translate as I go on and create new modules (components that make up the site). Translate the part = 'something', the $lang['something'] parts should stay as they are :)

Thanks! ^^

Re: Translations please

Posted: 2004-04-06 09:39
by Tenson
Here I go with Spanish traslation:

Code: Select all

// lang_news.php
$lang['Module_name'] = 'Noticias';
$lang['No_access'] = 'No tienes acceso para ver las noticias';
$lang['News_written_by'] = 'Escrito por';
$lang['News_translate'] = 'Traducido por';
$lang['News_write'] = 'Escribe noticia';
$lang['News_no_translation'] = 'Traducci

Posted: 2004-04-06 14:02
by dillpops
Man I wish I spoke another language well enough 0_0

Posted: 2004-04-06 18:12
by Merri
Spanish works now in the news page :)

More translations required

Posted: 2004-04-07 18:58
by Merri
More stuff to do:
// lang_main.php


$lang['Site_index'] = 'Mainpage';

// lang_news_write.php


$lang['Module_name'] = 'Write news';
$lang['No_access'] = 'You have no access to write or translate news';
$lang['News_translate'] = 'Translate news';
$lang['News_original_subject'] = 'Original subject';
$lang['News_original_message'] = 'Original message';
$lang['News_subject'] = 'Subject';
$lang['News_message'] = 'Message';
$lang['News_submit'] = 'Submit news';
$lang['News_public'] = 'Public';
$lang['News_public_news'] = 'Show to all visitors';
$lang['News_nonpublic_news'] = 'Show to users with permission';
$lang['News_stored'] = 'News is saved to the database. You'll soon be redirected back to the news...';


Re: More translations required

Posted: 2004-04-08 11:27
by Tenson
Well, in Spanish it's something like that. Once again, if you, the one who are reading that, think a better translation can be done, don't get embarrassed and do it.

Code: Select all

// lang_main.php
$lang['Site_index'] = 'P

Posted: 2004-04-08 14:04
by Merri
I did some major changes to the language files. I switched from "language per php file" to "language per module" policy. This reduces the number of required files and makes translating modules easier.

Btw, did you know "asunto" means apartment/house in Finnish? :roll:

In the files below, just change the Author part and then the contents below :)
// phpBB Site main language file
// Language: English
// Author: Merri <>

$lang['Site_index'] = 'Mainpage';
$lang['Site_no_translation'] = 'No translation available';
$lang['Site_yes'] = 'Yes';
$lang['Site_no'] = 'No';
$lang['Site_return'] = 'Go back to previous page';
// phpBB Site language file for News module
// Language: English
// Author: Merri <>
// Notes: Please follow this format when making your own language files / translating.

// common
$lang['Module_name'] = 'News';

// news.php
$lang['News_no_access_view'] = 'You have no access to view news.';
$lang['News_written_by'] = 'Written by';
$lang['News_translate'] = 'Translate';
$lang['News_write'] = 'Write news';
$lang['News_no_news'] = 'No news available';
$lang['News_delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['News_edit'] = 'Edit';

// news_write.php
$lang['News_no_access_write'] = 'You have no access to write or translate news.';
$lang['News_translate'] = 'Translate news';
$lang['News_original_subject'] = 'Original subject';
$lang['News_original_message'] = 'Original message';
$lang['News_subject'] = 'Subject';
$lang['News_message'] = 'Message';
$lang['News_submit'] = 'Submit news';
$lang['News_submit_edit'] = 'Save changes';
$lang['News_public'] = 'Public';
$lang['News_public_news'] = 'Show to all visitors';
$lang['News_nonpublic_news'] = 'Show to users with permission';
$lang['News_stored'] = 'News is saved to the database. You\'ll soon be redirected back to the news...';
$lang['News_not_stored'] = 'News weren\'t saved to the database. Please give both subject and message.';
$lang['News_do_delete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this news item?';
$lang['News_deleted'] = 'News message have been deleted.';
$lang['News_edited'] = 'News message have been edited.';

Posted: 2004-04-08 16:54
by Tenson
[quote="Merri"]I did some major changes to the language files. I switched from "language per php file" to "language per module" policy. This reduces the number of required files and makes translating modules easier.[/quote]
You could have done it before, man : P

// phpBB Site main language file
// Language: Espa

Posted: 2004-04-08 19:01
by Merri
Sorry about that, I noticed it too late. This was expectable though, things change quite a lot now that I still have rather free hands to do all kinds of changes. I'm pretty sure there won't be any so large scale change to the language

Do you have access rights to post news / translate news? You can do just a test message there, so I see the permissions system work :)

Posted: 2004-04-09 19:20
by Sora
Thanks God, I've finally found some time to translate this (no more school works please T_T) ^__^

Well, I had some difficulties because english sentences don't always work well once translated in French, but I've done my best. Hope it's not to far from the original ^_~; (as I don't currently know how it will look like, maybe I'll have to modify some little things in the future... gomen !^^ ;)

Notes : I kept the word 'news' in my translation because we usually use it in France to say the same thing, so... ^_^

// phpBB Site main language file
// Language: Fran

Posted: 2004-04-09 21:00
by Tenson
Hello Hello!

This message is mainly for Merry, because he is the actual webmaster, but you can read it if you can! :P

I've been touching a little the news -in Spanish and English- to take a look at the translations I provided. Well, there is a pocketfull of things I'd like to say:

The fist is that I like it a lot! (I'm not sure if the merit is for Merry or for the PHPbb group :P ).

The second:

About the switch from "language per php file" to "language per module" policy. You don't have to say sorry. I was only joking about that. Better I have to say thanks for your work.

Let's go with the thrid one:

I posted that translation in an early post for the "language per php file" system translation:
$lang['News_write'] = 'Escribe noticia';
but in a later post, for the "language per module" one, I provide other one that I think is better:
$lang['News_write'] = 'Escribir noticia';
The system shows me the fist one.

When I edit a news in English, the button for save the changes shows:
Save changes
I think it cames from
$lang['News_submit_edit'] = 'Save changes';
Well, I provided that translation in "language per module" translation post:
$lang['News_submit_edit'] = 'Guardar cambios';
But when I do the same in "Spanish mode" the button is showed empty, without any caption.

When a news message have been edited in Spanish, the system shows an English message:
$lang['News_edited'] = 'News message have been edited.';
It should show that Spanish message:
$lang['News_edited'] = 'El mensaje de la noticia ha sido editado.';

I think those things happens because you still use the "language per php file" system translation. I think that because in "language per php file" didn't appear the ['News_submit_edit'] and ['News_edited'] keys, and because the ['News_write'] key shows the old value, so those things are not bugs.
Anyway, I point it to you just in case.


In the main page, the number of page in the upper right corner is showed in english, even in "Spanish mode":
Page 1
I don't know if that can be translated, but if it can be showed in Spanish too, it should be:

Posted: 2004-04-09 21:17
by Tenson
[quote="Merri"]Do you have access rights to post news / translate news? You can do just a test message there, so I see the permissions system work :) [/quote]

I have posted a news, and then translated it succesfully. I edited the text of the translation with no problem, and after that change the view access, thus when I get back into news page without loggin I couldn't see the notice.
I hope that helps.

I have questions: All the news have to be introduced in English and then translated? Only people with English skills can post news? What if a person have a hot news but can't speak English? If I translate a news, I have to watch out for original news editing in order to make a tranlated news editing?

PS: Sorry for bugs, but I'm too lazy tonight to check the spelling in a dictionary.

Good Night.

Posted: 2004-04-10 02:03
by Merri
Ah, I haven't updated the Spanish language files. I've now been developing it at address as I'm already trying to get some module creators for the future. It doesn't look all that good on that side yet, but I hope some interested people find the little project :)

Anyways, I update the language files for both French and Spanish. There might be some things broken. And it is no problem if you do fixes to the translations later on, they'll eventually be for the best ^^

PAGE 1 is hard coded, I'll make later on a page browsing like
[<<] [<] [1] [2] ... [5] [6] [>] [>>]

Edit I updated the system to version 0.3.0, which is still a work in progress. The improvement? You can see small language links in the bottom of the page :)

There is also administration module:

It misses French and Spanish language. I don't give the file out yet though, it is a work in progress. The only page somewhat working is the languages page. In general, that thing is just way too badly done at the moment... I gotta shape up the code tomorrow.

Posted: 2004-04-10 04:42
by Merri ... ng=finnish

I did a little fix... earlier it showed I had written the message. Now it shows who wrote the actual message and has a little notice showing who translated it. It doesn't show translator name if the translation was written by the same person who wrote the actual news item. If you think this should change, I can just edit it to compare the posting time :)

Oh yeah. There is something to translate. I have done some fixes to the language files, especially French (so many ' characters there). I think for Spanish I just needed to fix one little typo, a missing '.

[quote="French - Sora"]
// phpBB Site language file for News module
// Language: Fran

Posted: 2004-04-10 16:04
by Sora
Oops, sorry, I was really tired yesterday^^;;;

// phpBB Site language file for News module
// Language: Fran