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Posted: 2005-10-05 07:30
by blackbiscuit
Is there anyone who like GUNDAM SEED and GUNDAM SEED-DESTINY?
In fact,I like GS better than GSD
but i think all the music(op,ed,bgm,insert songs)in the anime are very good~ :maayagrin:
Athrun and Cagali are my favorite characters~
Maaya had took part in GSD,as a CV of Luna...
but she didn't sing any song ...
what a piyt :o

Posted: 2005-11-22 10:48
by Tsubasa~
er...i think the story and music in gds are horrible :|

Posted: 2005-11-27 11:48
by blackbiscuit
you mean what?
gundam seed or gundam seed-d?

Posted: 2005-12-13 15:00
by Tsubasa~
you mean what?
gundam seed or gundam seed-d?[/quote]

yes,is seed d
i type it wrong

Posted: 2005-12-14 05:18
by frecklegirl
Rie fu (another of my favorite artists) sings one of the ending songs. That's about all I know about it ^^;

I think Maaya is a bit relieved not to do any songs this time, and be able to just focus on her voice-acting. At her panel, someone asked her what it was like working on that show, and she said it was nice because the cast is really closeknit and they all go out for drinks together after the show. It sounded really cozy.

Posted: 2006-01-05 11:01
by Igamelec
Rie Fu :P ~~

Her self-titled album from 2005 roooocks. It's almost a year now since it came out :D

Posted: 2006-01-11 00:56
by li0n
I only saw GS, and i think it was super overrated :(

the music is awsome, too bad the anime itself isn't :(

Posted: 2006-07-19 22:04
by Bazaa
I kinda liked both Seed and Seed Destiny. But 50 episodes for each is a bit exhaustive for me.

I watched Destiny first - when I watched Seed, I thought that there were too many similarities on the stories. They both start with one on the sides stealing the other's mobile suits, by example.

Still, I liked the character development. And the series in a whole makes you really wonder about the meaning of war, without the quotes you hear everywhere.

Posted: 2006-10-25 11:40
by perry
I like gs more than gsd,because i think the plot of gs is better than gsd. :P

Posted: 2006-11-16 00:56
by li0n
"meaning of war"? :P

let me go offtopic for a sec here.

A *simplified meaning of war if you may. In real life, things are much more complicated :) . No film i have seen has really addressed the real meaning behind things like war and conflict and oppression. Some have tried to, one which came pretty close (at addressing some specific issues anyway), 'Paradise Now'.
The first Palestinian film that was ever nominated for a Golden Globe award for 'Best Foreign Language Film' and it won :) .

And if i must add, it was a brilliant film and i recommend it :P

Posted: 2006-11-17 19:43
by cotmweasel
Ah yes Gundam :D
I Like Seed quite a bit but have only watched the first dvd of Destiny I need to finish watching it but I haven't had a lot of time so...

as for liking gundam... :D PIC'S

and I also have Zeta Gundam dvd's 1-4 (which have 2 dvd's per case so I have eps 1-40) and figures and stuff


Posted: 2007-12-02 14:41
by c-try
I like SEED better than SEED DESTINY.
But Maaya is the CV of Lunamaria,so I still watch it many times.
PS:my favorite GUNDAM series is 0083 STARDUST MEMORY.