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[Completed] Wakare no uta & Kazamidori

Posted: 2009-05-12 10:11
by Imurann
Enough time is spent on these two special songs, it's time we move on to others.. I really enjoyed it, it was mindfcking and at the same time, these songs has a side story behind them. Perhaps if we can place them in words, people would appreciate it more. It doesn't matter weather the translation is in any language or either accurate or not, but what's important is to claim back the thoughts kept on that day, when the songwriter thoughts were making up these pair of words and placing them into a song. In the long process, we may be able to feel a newborn talent in our self just by understanding these songs.

But. Certain songs like Action! are just for sheer enjoyment :) remember that, enjoyment XD so jump around the room, and smile :D

Kinda wanted to reopen an older song, from Shounen Alice album. One of the few hard songs to actually translate or even understand, I have picked "Wakare no shi". Interestingly, I have probably read through all possible differential translations available on the net, and still can't find the right one which actually pictures that particular song.

Well then, I'll spread off some skin sheds when the new one is finish, and I still believe that this song could only be complete when you do not open up the japanese dictionary, rather listen and write on a piece of paper, and try to picture what really has happened.

For now, Ai to kibou to monogatari!

again, the mysterious "Habatake" = take off? or Set it free? cast perhaps? who knows, either way couldn't be easier than done.

"Surechigau kokoro no oto" quite straightforward, "Indifferent feelings from the heart" or more less contradistinction within the voices of the heart..

Its like a puzzle waiting to.. who knows what XD

ps. finish this, only then we move on to Kazamidori :)

Posted: 2009-05-12 22:01
by frecklegirl
Thanks for inspiring me to take another look at my own translation, and revise it. New version is here. You're right that this is a difficult song with vague lyrics, but it's not impossible to understand. "Hanebatake" (you spelled it wrong) is not mysterious at all, it has a clear meaning of a command to flap (one's wings). The narrator might be giving a command to herself (although I rarely see that in Japanese), but it's most likely a command to her former lover she's singing about, telling him to take off and follow his dreams.

"Surechigau kokoro no oto" also does not mean what you seem to think it means. It means, the sound of hearts [the narrator's and her former lover's] just missing each other as they pass by one another, because they've broken up now, so their hearts touched and now it's over. Indifferent feelings? Hardly.

Also, the title is "Wakare no Uta," not "Shi." That character can be read either uta or shi, but when it appears in the song she sings "uta," so it has to be uta in the title as well.

Posted: 2009-05-26 03:41
by Imurann
Kazamidori, a weathervane pointing at a certain direction, a direction that points to you (my love)

*Please be noted that metaphores will be used now and then*

Weathervane // Kazamidori

This spring, has opened its doors for new opportunities
The seed in which you have planted, has taken its time far too long
and still, it is still there within His's place (taken care by God, in His Garden)

The story of when the weathervane was hit by the winds
It has become a guide for that special one (Person)

What have you really been finding?
Just try accept whatever there is in front of you.. (to be thankful)
As you start to travel early in the morning

Fear of a sudden change in your life, yet you could never live long here (in this world)
You always kept yourself alone for all this time, and so it will eventually start to change

The moment we said goodbye, I saw your figure from afar..
And when we meet again, I still cant voice out my words
We started to finally realized, that we are on really different paths (different religion?*)
Thus a new day starts (Sunrise)

I never wished to live all alone, because I have already known the meaning of loneliness
This sadness will one day be cured, it is just waiting for the right time
The winds that kept me company nearby the beach, seeing the sunrise in the morning, have really taught me something very important
For the sake of that special moment (to say Goodbye), and for the sake of that time (to meet again)

I will always be there waiting just for you, cross my heart.
For all those years to come trying very hard to change my own self, that I have promised. For now, just let me go first.

There will not be a single person who will ever know, of these tears in my eyes and in my hands
Even after telling the whole world, of my little story of sadness and tears
Yet the day after tomorrow, I was forced to return back to my original self (as if nothing has happened)
For all it matters, that the cries of the Earth which starts to fade

Of the place in which you have kept so close, deep in your heart will eventually come, My love, please close your eyes (shut your eyes which is in tears)
That is the place (deep in your dreams), the place that you can finally call home (in Heaven)

* Probably because she reads the Bible (in Japanese) and I read the Quran (in Bahasa).. lol

Translation notes:
I wonder why I decided to write it in a longer form, but if it too short like in the original Japanese lyrics, it wouldn't make much sense in the first place.

Just be advised that, I just simply write it like this because I feel the song was telling me to write this out like that. It wouldn't make any sense to me if I write it otherwise.
Wakare no Shi ... -ai-no-uta

(Special: Added "The Story behind Wakare no Uta" section below in this link)

Arghh, I fucking completed it.. Wakare no shi.. after all this damn years.. Finally, I can move on now!! broken translations, whatever you call it, it is DONE, been there done that, kapish!


Enhanced by Instinctual Translations

This sadness will never end, as I await for your next whisper
Yet again, and again, wishing for this sadness to end.

Your wounded self was where once I tried to lived with
Within the shard winds, while crying and still trying to believe you.

Once while on a journey, walking back home
A BUTTON on an old JACKET that went missing ever since.

My dreams is calling to me, with such scary and dark voices
screeching sounds on the tracks of metal wheels (probably during the train travels)
while not being looked at, like being forgotten
It's not for you, even for I..
'Those beautiful lies' is what that we both told on that day

That must be a sort of passion going on in the current season, in which nothing can be done to change that
Yet it will never, and never again, will be the same again after this very day

I had heard enough of those 'words of love', but it always seems that my love was tied on a leash
Just doing simply for your sake alone, does not filled in correctly

"To be a saint or not to be one?" is what I really pondered..
Yet the idea of being left behind and abandoned, a matter of fact hurts the soul even more..

(Those words) F L Y

This good for nothing song, screaming deeply in my dreams
Origins from the source of my inner voice, that I just come to notice
These buttons are definitely different!
Asynchronous sounds of the heart beats (*Fuck, had to use a computer language here! whoooo)
Accursed day it was that we both still have to go through it, yet it's all done now!
Even so, we have done a great job together!
Even so, we have done a great job together!

Just be your fucking self for your damn own fucking bloody sake! (*sorry for the rudeness, but this rock songs needs some words like these )

My dreams is calling to me, with such scary and dark voices
Listening to the screeching sounds on the tracks of metal wheels
This good for nothing song, screaming deeply in my dreams
Holing onto a single wish, that tomorrow will eventually come
Up until morning sun rises

I still love you, saying that without any thoughts of what others may think
Simply wished for it, but wish so that we can live on together
That we both will still move on further

A hopeless love story
A hopeless love story

Side note:
I bet there are better translations out there, but this one is just made from pure revenge. If you studied it, this song is about a fight, but in most fight we try to show our maturity in it.. and in most sense, we must believe in our selves, that even as certain amount of disagreement occurs in between human beings, we must always wished for a better tomorrow together, hugs and kisses, just that there is no point in fighting for so long.

If you played WOW, remember that IMP, saying "Why cant we all get along.." haha!