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RE: On the wiki / main site

Posted: 2010-09-24 01:48
by nijibug
Merri wrote:
nijibug wrote: still directing to the old urls (for instance,
This issue is now fixed. I thought of the simplest possible method to do it and it seems to work :)
NEAT :heart:

RE: On the wiki / main site

Posted: 2010-09-24 18:43
by Merri
Getting a little back on the main issues, should I spend some time on writing some kind of initial help/information on how to get started, what can be done etc. into the wiki help pages?

I guess the main page also needs to be simplified, have a bigger image of Maaya there and direct people to the main categories/namespaces.

I guess I could do this kind of work in October & November, just some initial organization so that others can get into the actual wiki stuff. I also have another wiki under similar kind of process, but it will take much longer as there are a few thousand articles to be dealt with... luckily I'm not the only one who is interested in getting the stuff done. Half a year reserved for that work.

RE: On the wiki / main site

Posted: 2011-01-04 15:19
by deltafour
After a few weeks of pondering, I like the wiki idea; it has potential, provided someone is willing to donate the time it takes to keep it updated and well-organized. But I wonder if there's anything we can do to consolidate the international fan community and introduce more people to Maaya. Providing information in a wiki is one step, but maybe we're lacking in social interaction.

Yes, we have a forum, and I love the forum, but the forum seems to be mostly for the dedicated fans. Maaya's just hit 800 accounts, but only a fourth have visited in the last three months (forever in internet time). Only a fifth have made five or more posts, and only two-fifths have posted anything at all. Registration has averaged about ten per month since Maaya's began, with some spikes at big releases or events (concerts in L.A. and Dallas, Kazeyomi release, and a huge spike of almost 50 last month in advance of the YCCM release). I imagine there are all sorts of people who have heard of Maaya and like her music, but either aren't sure what to do about it or aren't the type of fan who posts at Maaya's.

If we're going to grow (or at least identify more of) the international fan community, I think we have to work on two areas: 1) bringing more fans into Maaya's from other sites, and 2) allowing for "lighter" forms of interaction. (2) could be something as simple as letting people do nothing more than keep track of songs they like (at which point the site can turn around and say, "If you like this song, here are some others you might like. And here's a preview clip. And here's how/where you can buy the CD."). I'd love to see Maaya's go from being just a hang-out for the truly dedicated to something that also creates new fans and connects them with everyone else.

I know I'm not suggesting something easy, because what I've described is basically a social network. I also know it's going to take lots of time and effort to do. It might never materialize. At this point I just wanted to throw out some ideas to spark some discussion.

RE: On the wiki / main site

Posted: 2011-02-07 11:38
by Jérôme.
I was about to add the YCCM page to the wiki, but the connection don't work.
Maybe a problem with the 'é' or the 'ô' or the '.' in my login. Or both ;p

RE: On the wiki / main site

Posted: 2011-02-09 19:33
by Merri
Did you try to login (it needs to be done separately for the wiki) or did you get an error message while doing so?

I think I fixed the issue, try it now. I changed one str_replace() to mysql_real_escape_string() which may do the trick.

RE: On the wiki / main site

Posted: 2011-02-15 07:30
by Jérôme.
Here what it says :
"Sorry, username or password was wrong."

RE: On the wiki / main site

Posted: 2011-02-22 16:57
by Jérôme.
I tried to login with "Jerome." instead of "Jérôme." and it works \o/