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Maaya's musicians?

Posted: 2009-02-01 03:30
by FH
Maaya's songs were composed and arranged by a lot of musicians and I'm searching for them. Each arranger brought his team for Maaya and I want to know more about them since she worked with a lot of good musicians. I found a page for song credits but it only has a partial discography.

Can someone help me to have a page with full discography? Thanks in advance.

Posted: 2009-02-01 17:18
by Megumi
Hum... If you buy all of her CDs you will have the credits lol
I'm sorry I don't know a page like this...

Posted: 2009-02-01 17:33
by dillpops

The songs have the credits underneath them (in Japanese ^^;; ) perhaps the Yoko Kanno Database has the older ones.

Posted: 2009-02-01 23:57
by FH
Thank you! Yes I know all of her CDs have credits but Japanese characters are hard to read. It's more easy to look up in the dictionary if you have it on your computer. I'm planning to update Maaya's song information on Wiki.theppn (so hopeless =.=) when it opens again.

But anyway, thank you :P !

Posted: 2009-02-02 07:56
by dillpops
If you look at the album threads on Maaya's itself (we should have them back to Shounen Alice) they will probably have romanised information on the musicians/composers.

Posted: 2009-02-03 04:05
by magicstone2007
Yoko Kanno is kown as the most famous musician of Maaya,and I think the songs in the period when maaya and YK worked together are the best!