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Posted: 2010-03-27 15:15
by kirei_lanford
what is missing imu?.. mybe because the bridge part is so short? one thing for sure the tunes were good and the string works are excellent in the chorus part....

Posted: 2010-03-27 22:14
by dillpops
So is the feeling that Maaya's first composition is a good one?

Posted: 2010-03-27 22:35
by dillpops
They're really going all out with this best album.They've announced more promotional things. This time at certain record stores you are in for a chance to see 'rare goods' on display in a kind of anniversary exhibition. ... yshop.html

These include props used by Maaya in the 'everywhere' PV. If I'm reading correctly...the bird stick thing from the Kazeyomi photo shoot?!

OMG you guys going to Japan should check these stores out and take some pictures :lol:

Posted: 2010-03-28 02:16
by Imurann
Dilly, we do (not) need to be there to understand everything XD

Maybe when things soften down a little, I'll visit that girl eventually.

The PV style looks familiar, just that I want to keep my mouth shut this time, you know.. enjoy the ride first, still waiting for the full song. Not that I was surprised, but I wondered what she, herself have decided onto. (laughs)

Decisions. That's what makes a human being interesting. Currently there are a few things up in my mind, but I have to wait for the other part of the lyrics. It could just turn out like Kazamidori all over again, or did she just.. 'changed' ?

She was serious in this song, that's the tone she's giving out this time. All of the cards are on her. I wondered what it exactly means, well I felt it's my duties to explain it, partly because it's too complex to some of our junior fans.

I spent almost 3/5 of my life with her, well.. this was an amazing development for someone, being a self-sufficient person. This is to express her true voice, aside of the PV being heaven-ish XD XD XD XD

Posted: 2010-03-28 10:50
by sachia

Posted: 2010-03-28 11:08
by LennStar
Everywhere PV up on youtube! I'm surprised no one posted about this yet...
This video contains content from Victor. It is no longer available in your country.
A PV :P I love the Music Industry.

Join the Pirate Party of your Country!

Posted: 2010-03-28 16:30
by Imurann
I've just seen the second part..

Well, the sound isn't clear enough to do any translation, but roughly I understand her decision.

More less, it's like we needed each other, in order to find what we wanted from this life. Ah, enjoy the concerts for those whom are going, shout from your heart's out!! and enjoy the concert!!!

Posted: 2010-03-28 16:37
by kirei_lanford
oh, boy...

she's going to get married!!
this and the statement from dilly's translation.. "though now today there is someone more important for me".. or something near that.. forgot...

this is a big news.. :D

Posted: 2010-03-28 17:00
by Imurann
eeeh.. XD

where did she said that?

Posted: 2010-03-28 18:59
by LennStar
Well it's the mandatory age - unless it has changed in the last few years :D
But I thinks that now is only Kirei Fanboy Panic.

Posted: 2010-03-29 02:23
by Lene
[quote="dillpops"]They're really going all out with this best album.They've announced more promotional things. This time at certain record stores you are in for a chance to see 'rare goods' on display in a kind of anniversary exhibition. ... yshop.html

These include props used by Maaya in the 'everywhere' PV. If I'm reading correctly...the bird stick thing from the Kazeyomi photo shoot?!

OMG you guys going to Japan should check these stores out and take some pictures :lol:[/quote]

I'm trying to make that bird wand she used for Kazeyomi's album shoot xD But if they're selling it I may just have to buy it sometime XD Thanks for sharing the info~

Posted: 2010-03-29 13:14
by Imurann
*for the first time*


Posted: 2010-03-29 21:05
by dillpops
They aren't selling them, it's an exhibition. So they are on display. Sorry, there's still only going to be one official one in existance :lol:

Posted: 2010-03-29 21:54
by ilcloud
if there's only one item, why don't they put it in maaya's museum or something like that????

Posted: 2010-03-29 22:21
by Lene
[quote="dillpops"]They aren't selling them, it's an exhibition. So they are on display. Sorry, there's still only going to be one official one in existance :lol:[/quote]

I was letting my hopes up ;P But thanks for correcting me because I might have dropped the project xD Probably going to make a Maaya cosplay thing in the futureā™„ *cosplay dork* :3