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Posted: 2007-09-14 10:40
by Kaimugen
I'm not really big on techno but if done well it can sound fantastic (Macross Plus anyone?). But it doesn't go with EVERYTHING. So I agree, 'Remember' was just too much.

I read somwhere Mikuni was described as 'Maaya Sakamoto lite'. Odd. They have different origins. Maaya has been groomed by Kanno, Miku started in a girl band. I think the feeling of their vocals are quite different. After a bit of a dip Mikuni is getting better, Maaya seems to still be finding her way after Kanno.

Bleh, I'm starting to ramble...

Posted: 2007-09-15 03:08
by mystic_gem
Miku as "Maaya Sakamoto lite"... I agree that was kinda...odd. :)

And I also agree that Miku seems to be doing better these days. Come to think of it, Miku has released NapsaQ last Dec 2006 and then the Bird single last March 2007. And in July, she released her full-length album. While Maaya only released a 7-track album last March. But that was quite understandable since she's doing voice acting and musical. :)

Posted: 2007-09-17 08:41
by kirei_lanford
who do u think would release a new single/full album first after the end of this year?? miku or maaya... well i duno who,, but guess ill like of them as usual ><

hearing miku singing ai yo kienaide,, one of my first classic favourites for anime song,,, brings some memory but also some "what??" feeling,, since i dun like the arrangement --''

Posted: 2007-09-17 08:53
by Kaimugen
Well Maaya's next single come out soon, but for a full album, my bet is Miku.
Maaya is busy, only at the start of her career did she realease an album a year; Grapefruits(1997), DIVE(1998), Hotchpotch(1999), great years for Maaya fans. BUT, Lucy and Easy Listening were released in consecutive years so we might get lucky considering 30minutes was a mini album.
Still, I think Miku, so long as its not ANOTHER album of cover songs. I swear I wont buy it if its techno. She did so well with Sayonara mo~, she should continue.

Posted: 2007-09-17 09:14
by kirei_lanford
i really hope maaya would reconsider her decision and have a nice reunion with kanno-san,,, and the next album would definitely be memorable..

anyway let's watch our sis grow,,, myb she would develop musically and be the descendant yoko kanno.. can u believe that??? >< well im just exaggerating things hehehe

still hypnotized by the ending of sayonara mo.. bird and the last three tracks :rabu rabu:

Posted: 2007-09-17 09:29
by Kaimugen
I'm proud of Maaya for going on her own for a while. Working with Kanno and Iwasato is a easy option, everything always sounds brilliant. To stand on her own and experiment is the hard way, I think she will be better for it.

Buddy, she's not my sis, she's my love.... :wink:

I really wan't Miku to do more stuff like Sayonara mo, its a great sounding album. To do more cover songs after this would be a disappointment.

Posted: 2007-09-17 10:53
by kirei_lanford
okay, so im mispelled the word for love too,,, and too early *and it always be early * for me perhaps to say something like "let's watch our sis grow" since she's like 3 years older from me hehe ^^'

and we could always fall in love with our sis alo,, just kidding... i mean sister interms of someone we really care,, even that we have no direct relation with that person..

time will reveal the truth beyond maaya's decision for being alone,,, and im sure that new things would develop for maaya and she'd grow like sakura tree bloom its flower after the cold winter days,,

and also for miku-chan.. keep trying ganbatte ne!!

Posted: 2007-10-13 11:22
by Kaimugen
Although '30min' claims top spot as song of my year, 'Sayonara mo~' is the album of my year. I've listened to it a lot and I don't skip a single track, actually I end up listening to several tracks at least twice in a row.

Oh and Kirei, I think you missed out on the Miku poster buddy. Her poster for Bird (single) is really good. Its the same shot as on the cover but BIIIG!

Posted: 2007-10-22 12:06
by kirei_lanford
not a very serious question,, but has there news bout upcoming miku's single in near future?? *already asking for one,, well that's me hehe*

Posted: 2007-10-23 03:54
by Kaimugen
Nothing new on her site about releases, she only released Sayonara mo~ a couple of months ago. So unless you are in Japan and can attend one of her live shows you're out of luck. She has been doing lives I think. Or if you are desperate she has a radio show and the 392 fanclub tshirt is available...

Posted: 2007-11-07 03:27
by Kaimugen
Ok Kirei, you got your wish; a new Miku album.
Here is the song list from her site: 1. tamashii no rufuran 2. mizu no hoshi ni koi wo komete 3. kanashimiyo konnichiwa 4. negai koto o hitotsudake 5. omoide ga ippai 6. zankokuna tenshi no teeze 6. rinbu~revolution 7. eternal wind 8. ai oboete imasuka 9. kujikenaikara 10. (new cover tba).
Disc 2 contains: 1. alone 2.tomorrow 3.karenaihana 4.all the way 5.sorega aideshou 6.kimini fuku kaze 7.minamikaze 8.mouichido kimini aitai 9.bird 10.aoiiro no shitade 11.(new cover tba)
In Japanese:魂のルフラン/水の星に愛をこめて/悲しみよこんにちは/願い事をひとつだけ/想い出がいっぱい/残酷な天使のテーゼ/輪舞~revolution~/ETERNAL WIND~ほほえみは光る風の中~/愛・おぼえていますか/KUJIKENAIKARA!/新カバー曲
Alone/Tomorrow/枯れない花/all the way/それが、愛でしょう/君に吹く風/南風/もう一度君に会いたい/Bird/藍色の空の下で/新カバー曲

The list is a bit dissapointing seeing as I have all the songs except the 'new covers'. So I'm gonna give it a miss. Man if Miku wants my money at least put out new stuff instead of re-packaging songs I already have. I can't think of any reason to buy this unless you are are INSANE Miku fan and want to show off the fact that you have too many dollars and not enough sense.
Sorry, just a gripe there, but a real pity after Sayonara mo.

Posted: 2007-11-07 10:16
by kirei_lanford
well the fact that the intervals between those two albums is so small and no single/singles preceding it explains it all,, is it another best album or what?? wait,, my head is spinning,, :? i don't remember if miku already has a best album before.. what's wrong with my memory?? :lol:

and new covers?? what does that suppose to mean?? this is a really random album in the mean of its track list to think of.. #@><#%&??

anyway thanks for the info, kai,, :D i just hope i'll get the new tracks from downloading.. *hope this time those remixes have some worth*

i forget 392 :P

Posted: 2007-11-08 02:51
by Kaimugen
Miku has done lots of 'best of' albums; '392', (maybe) 'kimi no uta', and 'singles and movies'. The trouble with this one is all of the listed songs has already been previously released. No matter how good Bird is do you really need another version? And if they are directly from the anime cover albums its just more techno (bleh).
The 'new covers' are to tempt people I think. It will probably be standard covers of old anime songs. I have no problem with anime covers, I saw a Macross commemoration cd with Hiroko Kasahara performing 'Voices' and really want it, but Miku covers are getting old. Yeah, I'll look for the downloads too and skip buying it.
Anyway I'll keep an eye out for the new songs and let you know what they are.

Posted: 2007-11-22 08:58
by Kaimugen
Ok, the album is called 'Reprise' and she's not kidding. The only two new songs are; 'sobakasu' and 'Life' written by Miku. Everything else has been released before.
Kirei, you will probably love the cover. She looks like a schoolgirl!

Posted: 2007-11-22 09:23
by kirei_lanford
ill look forward for it! sobakazu?? she's currently fallin in love?? :lol:
speaking of schoolgirl,, i think she would fit that kind of apparel even in a few more years *perhaps*
just recently found bird's performance and although she had those false pulls, above it she look really pretty. it my first time actually seeing a live perf of her.. ^^