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Posted: 2006-10-11 23:21
by Gibb
[quote="BibiOui"]"Ni hou ma Hikki!"

I think it's "ni hao" (你好)[/quote]

Darnit, I knew it looked awful when I typed it but I couldnt remember what the correct spelling was >__<

Posted: 2006-11-12 10:20
by Dalai
Hello there! I registered some days ago but I dint now the correct place for introduce me, hehe ^^UU

Name: José Angel
Nicknames: Dalai
Age: 17
Gender: male
Location: Córdoba
Languages: Spanish, English (that I learned at school...), a bit of French,Im Learning Japanese now.
Interests: Manga, anime, videogames ,movies, ost movies, graffiti, music, Warhammer, Star Wars, Computers, Japan, Japanese culture,
My videoconsole games : Mega Drive, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Advance, Playstation, Game Cube
Favorite video game: Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid
Favorite Foods: Pizza
Favorite Anime/Manga: Chobits, Evangelion, Samurai Champloo , Card Captor Sakura, Mugen no Juunin...
My favorite artist from Japan: Maaya Sakamoto, Koda Kumi, Ai Otsuka, Utada Hikaru, X-Japan, Sex Machineguns, Maki Goto, Hiromitsu Agatsuma....
My another favorite artist: Tote King, Doble V, Hablando en Plata, Juaninacka, Shotta, Gradmaster Flash, Run DMC...
Favorite Movie: Star Wars, Final Fantasy Advent Children, Matrix
Been a fan since: I know Maaya-san since 2001, but I began to be fan since this year 2006.
Favorite Song: Gravity
Favorite Album: Nikopachi
homepage:Hangetsu Forum

Posted: 2006-11-12 21:37
by Gibb
Hola Dalai! Bienvenido!

Posted: 2006-11-13 08:26
by Kaimugen
hi, Dalai, you have good taste buddy! star wars and mugen no jyuunin. have you been keeping up to date with the Afternoon editions or the Dark Horse translations? the storyline with Manji in jail lost me and i havent been reading much since.

Posted: 2006-11-14 19:05
by Dalai
Gracias por darme la bienvenida! Thanks!

Off topic:
I'm reading Mugen no Juunin (無限の住人) thanks to a friend who borrow me the comic books, so I began to buy them, in Spain has been publicated as 18th volume I think... I only had read as 7th volume :P hehe.

Posted: 2006-11-15 10:15
by Kaimugen

off topic, mugen no jyuunin is my fav manga, the art is beautiful, the characters are interesting, its a bit sad that bad things seem to happen to the women in the story. and i love the weapons and wild fighting styles.


Posted: 2006-12-20 23:07
by cutesttail
Hey everyone-

It's cool to see that such a forum site exists for Maaya!
Yet better because everyone can see how broad and internationally
Maaya is being loved haha..

I'm Korean, currently 20.. (living elsewhere)
huge fan of Maaya [although I prefer Maaya-Yoko combination :) ]
I can speak Korean, English, and currently learning Japanese...

Looks like this is a great place to hang out for Maaya-fans :D

Posted: 2007-01-30 01:50
by darkray
Yo! Another newbie here!

Name: darkray
Location: Indonesia
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Birthdate: April 22nd
Languages: indonesian, english (not fluent), still learning japanese.
Hobbies: J-pop, anime, drawing, reading.
Favorite Artists: Sakamoto Maaya, L'Arc~en~Ciel, RYTHEM,
Round Table ft. Nino, Matsuura Aya.
Sakamoto Maaya's Fan since: 2001
First song: yakusoku wa iranai, bokura no rekishi.
Favourite Songs: many! recently addicted to Hello & Loop.
Favourite Album: All that I have. (Still missing some though)
Favourite Video: Well... sadly, I never seen one. :P

That's it!!! Nice to meet U all!!!
yoroshiku onegaishimasu, minna-san! :D

Posted: 2007-01-30 03:53
by Gibb
Howdy :)

Nice introduction. I'm a big RYTHEM fan myself. I even like some L'arc~en~ciel, tho their most popular stuff is my least favorite music by them. ^__^

Posted: 2007-12-05 09:48
by kirei_lanford
although it's too late. yet another of my country.. darkray gw ngrepin lu bisa ngunjungin thread resmi indonesia,, soalnya jrg bgt d sana!! sorry for my languange,,

anyway,, have a great time darkray-san,, there's also wenjiang and lenscape that i know from indonesia.. mybe we could meet sometimes?? it'll be great to meet fellow maaya maniac! :evil:

*seems that im alone from my country that is quite active* :|

Posted: 2007-12-15 13:01
by Imurann
banner for

.. to attract more ppl to join up ..

exploration for non-japanese fans and interests..

know each other more :D

any ideas? support for the idea?

maybe make a competition for banner making?

Posted: 2007-12-15 13:11
by moro
Hello everyone!
I`m a great maaya fan from schwerin in germany and my english isn´t so good but I try my best!^-^!
name : moro
age : 14
location: northern germany (town: schwerin)
gender : female
birthday: january 11th
languages: german, english and french(subjects at school), a bit japanese
hobbies: music!(playing the piano and the flute, sing in the choir, play in the orchestra, compose...etc.), drawing, reading Mangas(esspecially everithing from CLAMP, my favorites are Card Captor Sakura(great fan<3), Tsubasa reservoir chronicle and xxxholic),
favorite artists: Maaya Sakamoto, Foyal
Maaya fan since: 2005
first song: Purachina(I bought the CCS complete vocal collection)
favorite songs: too much! nearly every song, but mostly Purachina, Kaze-machi-jet, Saigo no kajitsu, poketto wa karanishitte, universe
and fuyu desu ka
favorite album: every album I´ve allready got^^
favorite video: Universe(so cute!!!)

okay, nice to meet you all!!!^-^!!!

Posted: 2007-12-15 19:42
by Imurann
Hajimemaste moro chan :)

Dont be shy, just express anything you like here. we, the first generation always like new friends all over the world.

some fans like me already had 10 years experience, and probably still haven't even had enough of it XD

welcome to the magical stay :)

Posted: 2007-12-15 19:57
by LennStar
[german greeting]

Hallo moro!

Willkommen bei den größten Fans der größten Stimme :D
Das mit dem Englisch wird schon ;) Übung macht den Meister. Ich hab mit ner 5 angefangen ^^'

Bist ja gar nicht sooo weit von mir weg (räumlich), ich bin aus Bernburg (tiefstes Sachsen-Anhalt). Allerdings dafür 10 Jahre älter.
Maaya hat mich erwischt als Escaflowne im Fernsehen lief. Hab den ersten Song von ihr gehört und Rumms! Wars geschehen. :D Wollte nur noch wissen, wer da diese fantastische Stimme hat.

Posted: 2007-12-16 15:36
by moro
(german reply)
Vielen Dank für die Begrüßung^^, ja, das erste Lied was ich von Maaya hörte war Purachina und eini halbes Jahr später, als ich mir dann die Tsubasa chronicle Soudtracks gekauft habe, habe ich dann endlich herrausgefunden, wer der Ursprung dieser genialen stimme ist:3 und danach hab ich mir hotchpotch gekauft, die Escaflowne lieder sind wirklich total schön^^